Biswaindu Parida
What is Soma Breath? Why does it Work?
Recently, I was passing through a dreadful phase where everything seemed hopeless, everyone I ever knew felt unknown and scary. The whole thought of...
How to get Knots out of Hair? – Home Remedies
Hey everyone!!! How are you all doing???
We are back again with yet another informational treasure. Through this article we will be shedding light on...
What is Voluma Filler used for?
In this era where beauty is everything, and decides your status in the social standing, it is quite common for men and women to...
How to Manifest on Paper?
A heavily researched term nowadays, manifesting on paper simply means jolting down your dream life on a piece of paper and believing that it...
Why do I dream about my Child getting Hurt?
Parenthood is undoubtedly amazing. The feeling of your child holding your fingers for the first time or smiling at you after a long day...
Dream of being Shot – What does it mean?
Have you ever woken up with a cold sweat, heart racing and the dreadful feeling of experiencing death after a loud bang???
While death dreams...
Red veins on eyelids- Dangerous? Fast remedies
Telangiectasia or red veins on eyelids are a condition of dilated or broken blood vessels visible prominently under the skin surface. The eyelids are...
How to make yourself Hungry real fast?
Unlike what many think, getting hungry is no easy task. Cravings and being hungry are two different things, with cravings being very short-lived and...
Pro Ana Diets, Exercises, Tips and Tricks
Another super-trendy weight loss diet program, the Pro Ana diet program has been one of the highest searched terms recently. With an equal number...
Be Careful Who You Trust : Not Everyone is Your Friend
A golden connection that every individual comes across once, twice or sometimes thousands of times in their lives, it is basically the initiation of...