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How to Remove Water out of a Charging Port? Liquid Detecting Error (iPhone)

How to Remove Water out of a Charging Port? Liquid Detecting Error (iPhone)

One of the most popular tech giants, Apple Inc. is known for its regular technical advancements, no matter if it’s the iPhone, Macs or other Apple smart devices. This is to ensure that the users get complete protection against physical as well as virtual threats, as we all know iPhones aren’t cheap.

One such problem, when you get a ‘Liquid Detecting Error’, the first thing to do is to completely cease all running or background apps. Turn off the phone and lightly tap the device against your hand. Make sure that the charging slot is facing downwards, as you don’t want water to further run into the circuits. Next keep the device at a well-ventilated place for at least 30 minutes before connecting the charger. If the device turns on smoothly, you are good to go, but if it doesn’t, you will have to follow these below-mentioned methods.

Before we start with the topic, here’s a brief detailing on what is the ‘Liquid Detection Error’ of iPhones and why it happens.

What is ‘Liquid Detecting Error’ in iPhones?

iPhones have been inarguably the smartest phones out there for decades now. While other top-notch conglomerates are launching new features every day, somehow Apple Inc. manages to beat them by a score or two every time.

So, when your iPhone suddenly starts exhibiting this pop-up, it is because the circuits are hardwired to do so. Even a slightest bit of moisture on your charging connector or inside the charging space could trigger the response. This feature aids users to prevent short-circuiting in worst cases and hence should be heeded to carefully.

However, according to a report, in some cases the pop-up may also come across even when the device is not connected with a charger. This is a typical software bug, and a soft reset will be necessary. Similarly, liquid detecting error notifications in iPhone is very common if you are using non-genuine chargers. So, a better option here will be to invest in genuine parts and accessories only.

How to remove water out of a charging port?

Now if you are sure that some moisture or water drops have made their way into the charging slot, then you can:

Tap the device lightly

Probably the easiest way, tapping your device gently across your hand can aid get rid of unwanted moisture from its charger slot. Following the laws of physics, when tapped with a downward positioning, any suspended water droplets will flow out through the space, which can then be air dried later.

However, if the pop-up shows every time you connect your charger, then there might be water in the charger rather than your device. In such a case, you can also tap the charger lightly across your hand and let it dry on its own for some time before using it.

Use a cotton pick

Very handy things, you can also use a cotton pick to remove moisture from deep down the charging space. However, never do that by forcing the pick into the small opening designated for charging. This will cause more harm than good.

Rather it is better to keep the cotton pick at the opening and place the phone slanted or facing downwards. Thus, when the moisture comes out it will easily soak into the cotton without leaving any remnants behind. Apparently, cotton balls can also be used for the same purpose.

Seek Professional help

iPhones aren’t cheap. And thus, if nothing as stated above works out, taking it to a registered professional is what’s best. They will be able to point out the underlying factors much more easily and provide solutions as the case demands.

Moreover, if it is a software issue, they may sign you up for an upgrade into a much stabler version of the Apple software. A fair deal, isn’t it???

What should you never do when removing water out of a Charging Port?

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Never use external heat sources

Everything that powers your device, when the charger is connected, is made up of hundreds of tiny circuits. And even though blowing hot air , compressed air or heating them through external heat sources may seem to be a quicker option, soon you will have nothing to fix.

The sudden increase in temperature will melt down these circuits which might pose a much bigger risk than before. The device may stop working completely or show glitches that would be too expensive to repair.

Do Not insert Foreign Objects

Like discussed earlier, inserting foreign objects such as cotton swabs, paper towels, or even cotton balls is not the right way of doing things. Unless you are a tech genius with a supernatural ability of virtually mapping all electrical circuits of your phone, never and I repeat NEVER put anything down the charging path.

Ignoring this and doing things your way is simply one step closer towards having to purchase a new Apple charger or an iPhone, altogether.

Never put them in Rice bags

You may have by now come across lots of so-called self-help articles claiming rice to be the magic solution for drying up anything and everything. Well, let me clear that up for you.

Yes, rice does soak moisture from many things but inserting devices or accessories with openings can risk smaller particles to get clogged up in the pathway. This can then rapidly turn worse if you unknowingly try putting the charger into the slot with the rice grains still inside.

How to fix the ‘Liquid Detecting Error’ issue if nothing is wet?

Finally, if the pop-up isn’t because of moisture inside the device, then getting your phone checked by an Apple technician is what you need to do. However before that you can always try out these below-mentioned steps and see if anything’s working out.

Dismiss the Notification

Many-a-times an irrelevant, ‘Liquid Detecting Error’ in iPhones is due to a temporary iOS 14 bug. So, when hovering around, if you get this notification out-of-the-blue, simply click on the ‘Dismiss’ button to return back to your daily scrolling.

These bugs are pretty normal and often go away when you clear cache & cookies or upgrade your iPhone software version. On the other hand you can also click on the ‘Emergency Override’ if the notification won’t go away even after pressing the ‘dismiss’ option a couple of times.

Reboot your Phone

In case the above-step doesn’t work, force reboot your iPhone. This will let the device eventually cool down and automatically rectify the situation. Force reboot works a little differently for different iPhone models so make sure to follow the proper directions.

Once the device starts, wait for your homescreen to appear and connect the charger. Almost 60 percent of such cases are easily resolved by this step, but if yours doesn’t, get help from a professional.

Use Apple charger only

Unless it’s super urgent, try and refrain from non-genuine Apple chargers. You never know how they are designed and therefore carelessly inserting anything into the charging docket is also bound to create problems in the later stage.

Check by connecting an Apple charger so if the problem persists you will know what to do.

Reset all Settings

Lastly, before taking your device or charging connector to the Apple service center, do try out with a soft reset. Go to:

Settings < General < Reset < Reset all settings

This action will reset all your settings so make sure to have all your data backed up, just in case. Factory reset takes your iPhone to its previous smooth working condition and hence may also solve the issue with the automatic liquid detecting error of your device.
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